Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to You

When you are the kind of mother who with her children often frequents a cemetery overlooking the Mighty Mississippi for the sheer fun of it, you will undoubtedly choose to celebrate your twin sons' third birthdays at a friend's flower farm when the opportunity presents itself. Eccentric? A bit. Alright, maybe a lot. But sitting in Cathy's cornzebo, surrounded by some of those I love best, taking in all the country landscape presented to me on a warmish May evening, and hearing the sound of my children's laughter as they ran wild on that piece of earth the LaFrenz's call home was a gift of pure grace. I could have sat there all night. Thank you Cathy for opening up your home for our family. It was a perfect evening and birthday for our precious sons.

Miss Effie's Farm

The Cornzebo. Loved it! 

Thomas wrapped up one of his dinosaurs and two of his books as gifts for his brothers. He also drew a picture complete with one of his brothers blowing out candles and the words, "I love you." 

Russell. Have I mentioned that he is my sunshine? He loves a camera. 

No Jared not a Yoda cake. Maybe next year. The boys requested red frosting not pink but that was the color derived from mixing strawberry jelly with the vanilla buttercream frosting I made. I must admit it was pretty yummy. The boys and I snuck a few licks before frosting the cake. And kudos to Hy-Vee, our local grocery store for offering local produce. Since Russell had eaten all my strawberries before I had another chance to visit the farmer's market, I was so grateful to find these beauties generated from the Pride of the Wapsi. 

It is quite possible that Thomas was more interested in this gift than Elliot. Thomas has become quite enamored with Frances the Badger and her stories especially since he received the books on CD. The reader is a woman with an incredible English accent.  

Meeting the ducklings.

Perhaps the best gift of all. A rubber band.

Please come visit. I will take you here. I promise. 

Had to stick this one in because it is cute and all the boys are actually looking at the camera. Nothing short of a miracle. Jared has developed the tradition of having an overnight on the basement pull-out couch and watching one of the Star Wars movies on the boys' birthdays. They could not wait for me to leave for book club for their big night. Happy Birthday Russell and Elliot!


elizabeth said...

beautiful. Many years! lovely cake, beautiful landscape and summer strawberries! What a blessing!

Ingrid said...

WOW! I can't believe they are 3. Looked like a fun party. I was going to come down to visit my parents next weekend and stay for a week but since you are going to be gone I am pushing my trip out to July sometime. I would love to see Miss Effie's farm :)

Emily Lorelli said...

What a lovely day and such a lovely place! Many years to your boys.

GretchenJoanna said...

Lucky boys to have such an imaginative and generous mother. It's inspiring!