Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Get Away Weekend

Months ago Jared and I began dreaming of a get-away weekend because call it what you will—extreme attachment parenting, psychosis, a single income or a combination of all three—in five years we have only been away from our children overnight one time. And that was to attend an adoption seminar in Le Grande "middle of no-where", Iowa, in preparation for our second adoption. Needless to say, we were overdue. Immediately I offered what I believed to be viable options for our special time together. Top on my list was a visit and overnight at a Catholic Worker Farm just outside of Dubuque. I think Jared had something less communal in mind.

Soon our get away weekend morphed into sending the boys to my parents' and my mother-in-law's while we remained in our own home. Initially it was to be a "homeschool" weekend where we determined which curriculum we would be utilizing next year for Thomas. (Alright, maybe Jared was never really on board with this plan either but I had every intention...) Ultimately, as it seemed likely that with our travel to Ethiopia imminent, our two day, one night adventure became a work weekend with dinner and a movie as a bonus (as a side note: while Robert Downey, Jr. is always fun to watch, Iron Man 2 as a whole was a bit disappointing.)

I packed Elliot's bag only to discover that he had added a few of his own items: one stuffed dog, one stuffed bunny, an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and what you cannot see in this photo, an Emperor Palpatine Star Wars figure.

Russell and Elliot carry blue suitcases; Thomas the brown. And good news, I bought a similar red one for Lucia at Tesi's adoption fundraiser yard sale.

Troy this is for you—a shirt sporting the South Korean soccer team. I told your godson you would be proud.

My little sunshine, Russell.

My boys.

Besides completly repainting their room (do you know the damage two toddler boys can do one small space? You have no idea), one of our goals was taking down the boys' cribs. "Bye bye cribs," became their mantra. They seem to like their new big boy beds just fine.

And yes, crib out of one room and into the next. Thomas, who has decided Lucia will be his twin (do you hear me smiling as I type that?), will soon have someone to share his space with.

One tiny girl.


Ingrid said...

We have done that a couple times - sent the boys to relatives for a weekend and just stayed home. It is cheap, you get things done and you get a chance to relax in your own home which rarely happens. I am so excited that you are bringing home your daughter soon. I can't wait to see her sometime this summer. I am so impressed that you are homeschooling. Way to go Beth!!

elizabeth said...

how lovely! excited for your new one coming and glad you had a weekend 'away' while not away! :)

Emily Lorelli said...

Smile, smile, smile -- that's what a did all through your post and pictures!

hotflawedmama said...

YAY! I hadn't noticed the closet when I took a tour the other day. something about seeing those tiny girl clothes gets me all kinds of excited for you guys!

Molly Sabourin said...

Ca-UTE!! I am so happy you posted these. Like Emily, I smiled all the way through. I love the suitcases, the crib, the closet filled with Thomas's AND Lucia's clothes, and of course, my boys! I'm going to need a lot of posts just like this when you bring your daughter home!