Saturday, May 15, 2010

Evangelism and Orthodoxy: Truly Loving One Another

To my long-time friend Ingrid and her husband Dan whose commitment to their neighbors and their faith always inspire me. The quote, "100% of the people you take to Church will be in Church," made me think of you.

I promise that there will pictures soon (hopefully tonight or even tomorrow) because I know you all are terribly tired of me spewing out my thoughts and directing you towards the thoughts of others, but I beg that you indulge me once more. A couple weeks ago, our priest requested that the members of our church parish council, of whom Jared is one, listen to two recent podcasts on evangelism and Orthodoxy. Jared was affected by the words of Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick. And now I have been too.

Believe me, what Fr. Andrew communicates in these two talks is well worth hearing whether you are an Orthodox Christian or not. If you are interested in topics like localism, community vs. alienation, loving your neighbor, fulfilling your call to be truly human rather than mere "cogs in a machine," or working not only toward your own salvation but also those around you in need of healing, then you will find these podcasts particularly meaningful. A blessed and peaceful Saturday to you all.

Evangelism and Orthodoxy - Part 1
Evangelism and Orthodoxy - Part 2


Fr. Andrew said...

Thanks for the plug! :)

Ingrid said...

Thanks Beth! I listened to part 1 so far. He said so many things that any follower of Jesus needs to hear and be reminded of daily. I am convinced that there is so much diversity in the Body of Christ because we live in such a diverse world. You can reach people I can't and vice-versa. Jesus prayed for our unity and I am thankful that we support each other. I love thinking about the fact that I was listening to the podcast on the radio that Molly's dad started. God is working and using all of his willing followers!!