Sunday, November 20, 2011

It is Daddy that we love

There appears to be a change in the wind around our home on Scott Street: The Wonder Twins are truly growing up, which means a lot of things (like my right eye is beginning to twitch less), but for this post, it means hello to little Legos and good-bye to Duplos. And so I spent the majority of my Saturday rearranging and cleaning the basement to reflect this transformation. The Lego table, which Jared built for Thomas's second birthday and which has lived in the gated play/laundry room for the past several years, i.e. since the twins entered our lives, has officially moved to the main area of the basement so that all of our children can play with our ever increasing Legos. Finding a new home in the vacated area is our little kitchen stuff (of course I couldn't resist a table cloth). And there is one little girl who could not be any happier about this new arrangement. As you will see, Daddy was invited to join the ever hospitable and delightful Mary Poppins for a cup of fresh tea (and yes Leslie, this is Jared wearing the hat). And check out our cool new times table board that Jared and Thomas created today. No wonder it is Daddy that we love. Peace and goodness. A blessed Thanksgiving to you all.


hotflawedmama said...

I love so much about this post. But really, I can't get over how old the twins look. They are looking so long and lean!

Farm-Raised said...

Totally worth the wait.

elizabeth said...

love this! blessings on the week beginning!

Aaron said...

Nice. So is Jared Mary Poppins or maybe Mrs. Nesbit?

Joshua said...

Elliana would LOVE to have a tea party with your little beauty!