Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween 2011

So nothing terribly original like last year's costumes of Dr. Omar and Johnny Cash (though Russell was initially planning on dressing up as Joan of Arc until he was wooed by the bright colors of the clown costume our neighbor Leah gave us). Although Thomas did don a Grandma Johnson original.

Boo at the Zoo

Halloween Eve trick or treat

Elliot as The Pirate

So I totally know why people are terrified by clowns. Russell's make-up artist, aka Jared, in retrospect decided that covering up the eyebrows was not a good idea. 

Lucia, of course, insisted upon being Mary Poppins but also wanted to wear the princess dress our neighbor gave to us. Leslie, this is the Mary Poppin's hat that Jared would wear for the reading of the book.
For the record (because there was some confusion), Thomas is Robin Hood, not Peter Pan.


Joshua said...

Love the scary clown! Your kids are adorable!

elizabeth said...

so cute!!! lots of love to you!

Farm-Raised said...

oh my gosh. they are all soooo cute. i can't decide which picture to comment on because they are all so sweet! still waiting for a picture of Jared in said hat. he's not off the hook. :-)

Michelle said...

Great pictures! I didn't even take one of my kids this year. I'm such a Halloween Scrooge. I make my kids find their own costumes.

(Although I wish I had a picture of Isaac as a WWII chaplain with my grandpa's army hat on. That was pretty neat.)

They are all growing so much!

Hugs to you,

Molly Sabourin said...

Oh my heart, you are killing me with cuteness!! I can't get over the cuteness! My kids are going to love looking at these. What characters you have! Awesome, hysterical, beautiful little characters. I love you all!