Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Wendell Berry

In memory of our dear friend Roger, departed this life nearly one year ago. 
And as always, for you, my beloved dad.

We will see no more 
the mown grass fallen behind him
on the still ridges before night,
or hear him laughing in the crop rows,
or know the order of his delight.

Though the green fields are my delight,
elegy is my fate. I have come to be 
survivor of many and of much
that I love, that I won't live to see
come again into this world.

Things that mattered to me once
won't matter any more,
for I have left the safe shore
where magnificence of art
could suffice my heart.

In the day of his work
when the grace of the world
was upon him, he made his way,
not turning back or looking aside,
light in his stride.

Now may the grace of death
be upon him, his spirit blessed
in deep song of the world
and stars turning, the seasons 
returning, long rest.


Michelle said...

Lovely Beth.

Love to you,

Kris Livovich said...

Sometimes I think we need no other poet than Mr. Berry.


Molly Sabourin said...

Yes, yes, what would we do without Mr. Berry? This poem is ever so beautiful, of course.