Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Grand Day Out

All week long I have been promising the boys that today, Lazarus Saturday, we would make a trip to Lagomarcino's candy shop and make our purchases for the family Pascha (Easter) basket. And really, Lagomarcino's is every child's dream fulfilled. Not quite Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but almost.

Choosing between the sour sugar coated chewy candy and a mixed bag of goodies was a difficult one for sweet Thomas; and as he deliberated over exactly which delicious morsels he wanted, Elliot charmed the other patrons (and the owner) with his antics. Yes, for those of you familiar with our children's tendencies to transform themselves into a variety of characters, "Marlon Brando" did indeed make an appearance, as did "Little Old Man." (I promise there were absolutely no cues from his parents.)

No Pascha basket would be complete without some meat and cheese, so after leaving with some chocolate kindly and freely given to our boys, we headed to the best farmer's market ever and loaded up on a host of items: bacon, sausage, roast, chicken, ham hocks, and some locally produced cheese (did you know cheddar cheese isn't supposed to be yellow?)

Now for one additional cup of coffee and the day will be absolutely perfect!

PS If you want to read some beautiful thoughts from my beautiful friend Molly about Lazarus Saturday, you can click here.


Kris Livovich said...

What a wonderful day out! How hard is it to wait a week to dig into all those goodies?

Molly Sabourin said...

Your the sweetest, Beth. I miss you always but the most this time of year, while preparing for Pascha. We are with your family in spirit!! Have a blessed Holy Week!