Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bleary-Eyed Missive

We don't have much time to post tonight, as we're sure you'll understand. We just want to pass along a quick note to let you all know that we've got them and we're in the hotel. We had a little bit of time to pack while they looked like the do in that picture. Since then we've had our hands full. Wow, twins! Did you know that means there's two of them? We've got a wake-up call set for 5:30 AM and will be getting on a van to the airport at 8. Watch for more after we get home. Thank you for being with us on this journey. We love you all!


Amy said...

Oh My!! That is such a cute picture!!!! I can't wait to meet them!!

You guys are going to be busy, but I know you guys are up to the task! Those boys are so blessed to have you as their parents.


Becky said...

Safe trip home! We are all so excited. It's like the twins are your new Lucky Charms for St. Patrick's Day!

See you tomorrow! Yippy!


Grandma Linda said...

Can't wait to see you all! I'll be at the airport with bells on!

(once again this is the second time I've tried to print my comments- I do not know why it doesn't go the first time!)TECHNOLOGY!!!

Love you, mom

Reborn? said...

Uh, Jared, wait until you actually wake up and realize what you've done :-) Can't wait until you bring them by the office.

Aaron said...

Wow! And so now the real adventure begins I guess. So you will bring home twins and jet lag, sounds like an explosive combination. I can see it as the next season of 24. The first day home. Clock sounds ticking down.. Split screens of Jared and Beth pacing with different kids and Thomas running in between. Tune in next week for what happens between 1am and 2 am. Fade out.

Jenn said...

I could just eat them up, they are so cute!!

Jenny said...

I love this photo and this blog is awesome. I hope you keep posting about all your adventures as a family of five

paige maddex said...

Dearest Johnsons - It's been so wonderful to watch this process on your blog. Isabelle can't get enough of it. We can't wait to meet your precious boys. We love you all. Paige

nicole said...

Beth and Jared, I have been an armchair companion in your adventure these last few days. Please post more if you have the time after you get home and settled. It has been a great experience reading your blog and seeing your family grow so fast! In His grip,
Nicole Henry
Num 6:24-26

Jessica said...

I've been following your journey on this blog and I'm so happy for you! Incidentally, I found it interesting when you said you had arranged a wake-up call for 5 AM. My question is...who woke you up first? One of the twins, or the wake-up call lady? My money is on the twins...:)

Can't wait to meet your new family!
love, Jessica Kincaid