Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mommy's Boy. Daddy's Boy.

Thomas spent the afternoon helping me ratchet lag bolts into the kids' new swing-set: He would work the ratchet while I drilled the next hole. We got all the frame together and began to assemble the floor. He had collected all the boards and we laid them out together. After I screwed the first one down, there were nine boards remaining.

I looked at Thomas and quizzed, "There are nine boards and each one needs five screws. What is nine times five? How many is nine sets of five?" Thomas began thinking.

After a moment I said, "You work on that while I go get the screws," and walked toward the pile of parts. As I was counting out the screws, a voice piped up behind me, "Forty-five."

Good work, buddy. Good work, mommy.

Thomas and I are also mentioned in this article by Bill Wundrum (on a completely different topic).


elizabeth said...

very cool! swing-sets are the best! :) I have such good childhood memories of swinging on our set in the backyard... :)

Joshua said...

That is awesome! I am amazed that Thomas could figure that out :) You guys are doing a great job!

Molly Sabourin said...

That is totally impressive! Wow. I'm so glad, as his godmother, I was able to pass down to Thomas some of my awesome math skills. ; )
Yes, you and Beth both are doing a phenomenal job. I admire the heck out of you.