Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our ingenious Elliot

When you are the kind of boy that will "borrow" a zip lock bag at the party you are attending and then proceed to cram it full of Cheetoes so that it becomes a "to go" bag for home, you may very well express your desire to be a "choo choo train conductor" when you grow up. Your mother will not even bat an eye at your chosen profession but will rather praise you for your decision until you later relate to her that you aspire to be the "choo choo conductor at the zoo." (Isn't that a volunteer position?) And when you are the kind of boy that screws up your face like the above for every photo taken and calls it your best smile and wears a jacket nicer than anything either of your parents own (his was a gift and his mother's from the Goodwill), you will most certainly locate the letter "D" in the book you are reading and announce to your mother, without even batting your eye that, "D is for Darth Vader." But of course.


hotflawedmama said...

Dear God I love him

Cami said...

Love it! Love to keep updated on your blog :-) Hugs to you this Christmas!

Molly Sabourin said...

Oh man, that kid is awesome! Bless his heart...and yours!! : ) I love you all!