Thursday, August 13, 2009


It is nearly 9:30 p.m. and this body is beat and begging for bed. My dear husband took the day off work so I could spend time at my parents' attempting to get everything ready for our fundraising garage sale scheduled for a week from today. My feet are black from my their garage floor ( I kept tripping over my shoes so I opted to get rid of them), my hair a ratty mess and a bit fuzzy from the humidity, and I may even smell. And though exhausted from emptying endless boxes, pricing items on pieces of masking tape, and trying to figure out where all this stuff is going to exactly fit for the next week, I am deeply humbled and grateful for the pure generosity once again exhibited to our growing family. The garage and basement are overflowing with donations from family, friends, and strangers. Cribs, coffee and kitchen tables, beautiful rugs, dishes, glasses, etc. crowd the space allotted for them all because so many of you are willing to come to our assistance when we reach out and ask for help. And so on this Thursday, I am grateful. Grateful not only for this overwhelming generosity but also for the time I was able to spend with old neighbors, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Mike, who stopped by with donations and then, noting our desperate need for additional tables, returned hauling a picnic table on a trailer, and my sweet friend Susan, who despite her pregnancy with baby number four (and she is showing!), took time out of her day to load and unload countless boxes. Thank you all. Your unselfishness is inspiring!


Ingrid said...

Wish I lived in the QC I would love to help :)

Beth said...

Me too for so many reasons. My mom has been a trooper and I think is spending her day today organizing clothes by sizes. Though exhausting (my body ached today), it is a lot of fun and should be a great sale.

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest, kindest post. I am moved by the generosity of your friends and family and wish now, more than ever, that I could be there to help you all. I can't wait to here how the big garage sale turns out! : )
Love you!!