Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ain't we lucky we got 'em

Good Times. (If you don't get the reference in the title, you are too young. My own husband said, "Webster?" Oh please.)

Ruthless with a hose.

Painting our papier-mache bee.

Russell loving on his baby. 

Enjoying a Thursday at Wildlife Prairie State Park with our dear friends the Nelsons.

Taking little brother Russell under his wing.

That's my girl. With her ever-expanding vocabulary, her most favorite words are: "Boys. Outside. Happy." And of course when she says, "Hi Mommy," it melts my heart.

Taking advantage of more summery weather at the park and playing a little baseball.


elizabeth said...

what a lots of sweet pictures! your family is so beautiful! love and hugs!

Farm-Raised said...

Great pictures. Looks like you've been having some fun! :-) Hope to see you soon!!! xoxo