Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day

I am that mom. You know the one, the kind whose procrastination and own personal aversion to frigid temperatures has caused her family to be ill-equipped for the winter season. Boots that fit? Snow pants? Matching gloves? Nope. Not in this house. And while I hate to admit it, though it is nearly March, my children had yet to play outside in the snow.

By early Sunday afternoon, clouds engorged with snow placed themselves over Davenport and by evening snowflakes fell at a fast and furious pace. While a tremendous winter storm was predicted, we actually received only a few inches of that wet snow perfect for constructing snow men and snow balls. Unable to resist the offering of a sunny Monday whose temperatures hovered just above freezing and desperate to flee the stagnant air of our home, the boys and I instinctively threw on coats, hats, and our mismatched mittens for some temporary relief from the winter blahs. Fresh, brisk air. Talking to a neighbor we have not seen in months. Splashing in puddles. Laughing. Laughing. Laughing.


Anonymous said...

That is one impressive snowman!! Good for you, Beth! The boys look delightfully happy to be out in the elements. What a sweet mama you are!

I also so enjoyed your Sunday of Orthodoxy photos! You got some really great shots there!

We had a crazy day, here at the Sabbys. You can check my blog for more details. This time, your godson was NOT the cause, believe it or not. : )

Love you!

Meg said...

love the snowman!

Kris Livovich said...

Children don't need to be fully snow equipped until after the age of 7, is my belief. That gives me a couple more years of NOT having to play in the snow!

Great snowman!

Michelle said...

I fully agree with Kris! The only reason my kids are fully equipped to be outside is because:

1) they are old enough to dress themselves; and thus

2) old enough to be outside by themselves; and

3) we have a small hill steep enough to provide hours of sledding enjoyment which does not require my presence.

As for mismatched gloves, I think any family who has matching gloves for their children is trying too hard. Every time I finally get a pair of matching gloves for my kids, they immediately lose one of them. So, what's the point, really? As long as they have something on their hands.

I love the snowman too. That is proof you're a great mom!


PS I let my children paint in the house today. At the kitchen table. Just wanted to make note of it for the record books.

Beth said...

Thanks for all your support! Our snowman looked a little worse for the wear today- one eye had already fallen out and several pieces of the rock forming his mouth had too. We did go out for a walk today and Russell wore two of my mismatched mittens. Quite a sight but good times.