Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's All Right

Well, despite the fact that it continued to be bone-chilling cold, gray and gloomy in Davenport, Iowa, our family had a wonderful Tuesday, enjoyed each other's company, and actually smiled at one another, which unfortunately is not always the case. I am finally beginning to realize that waking up, getting dressed and downing my first cup of coffee before our little ones rise, positively effects the remainder of the day. And so today during the time normally scheduled for showering and dressing, Thomas, Russell, Elliot, and I were able to build Lego towers, which were soon destroyed, create Play-doh cookies on the "new" piece-of-junk coffee table I purchased for $5.38 at the Goodwill on Saturday (it only took a couple reminders for R and E not to eat the Play-doh), listen to records (yes, records–three Dr. Seuss stories to be specific), and launch a new edition to our schedule: read alouds. I decided our first endeavor would be Little House in the Big Woods. Thomas was quite enthralled with Pa (who isn't?), primarily because he carried a gun, trapped bears, and cut trees down with axes. He did admit, however, that he was not the least bit interested in receiving either a pumpkin, squash, or corn cob doll as a gift next Christmas. We enjoyed a peaceful family meal together (yes, that means Russell and Elliot did not throw much food) followed by "tea" and "ice cream" expertly prepared by Thomas.


Molly Sabourin said...

That sounds like a lovely day, Beth - full of quality time with the boys and free of any major catastrophes. I am up alone and drinking coffee as I write this. I have about ten more minutes to go before this new morning explodes with activity. I am so looking forward to your next visit.

Amy said...

Hi Beth! I just love to read about how you guys are doing. I can tell all your little guys keep you very busy!