"Your works of justice showed you to your congregation a canon of faith, the likeness of humility, a teacher of abstinence, O Father, Bishop Nicholas. Wherefore, by humility you achieved exaltation, and by meekness, richness."
According to my eldest son Thomas, Jack Frost is a little sprite who wears a white jacket, white pants, white boots, and a white hat. In his left hand he carries a briefcase full of paints (all white of course) and paint brushes; in his right he holds a pipe. And while in my mind I can only imagine Jack Frost with a long, white beard like Gandalf's or Dumbledoor's, for Thomas Mr. Frost has a black moustache. We were pleasantly surprised to see that Mr. Frost was making an appearance on St. Nicholas Day and that a light snow was casually dusting the ground. The novelty of the snow for the kids, however, became usurped by the gold chocolate coins scattered all around the presents lying beneath their shoes. While, as the picture will testify, I personally did not receive a gift (Jared tried to find a lump of coal to put in his shoe), my gift came later in the form of lingering at the kitchen table with my husband who had taken the day off of work, drinking my second cup of coffee still hot, and listening to the kids nicely playing together in the living room. After all, it is the little things. Peace and goodness to you.

This picture was actually taken on the 5th, but we could not resist including it - mostly because of Elliot. I believe Russell is trying to make "goo-goo goggles," but one never really knows.
Also on the 5th, Thomas is rolling out the gingerbread cookie dough that will become the neighbors St. Nicholas Day treats.
Our battery went dead soon after this picture was taken, so no pictures of Russell (or Jared) with chocolate smeared all over his face. I know you are disappointed.
Mumma's Tree Farm: The children kept saying, "Thank you, Mr. Mummy."
Thomas thinks he's found acceptable tree.
The boys give the tree a closer examination.
Just a note that Thomas is wearing my Uncle Russ' Iowa Hawkeye scarf.
"Put on some spy music, please." Yes, these undercover agents are deft in their trade and keen masters of disguise. Their weapon of choice: Pant hangers. They also wore boots that you cannot see but truly completed the outfit.
For the record, I have already swept up one shattered ornament while the three "littles" sat on the couch pointing fingers and each denying any part in the glass all over the floor. I have also noticed that the ornaments seem to mysteriously move throughout the day despite my appeals (so nicely stated, of course) to "NOT TOUCH THE TREE!!!!"
And, yes, I am that crazy mom who buys reused wool bird ornaments at the farmer's market for presents. And actually the kids love them (see, not so crazy), though Thomas wishes Lucia's owl was his own.